Deciding the Path: Navigating Between Exploratory Testing and Test Automation

Software testing encompasses various forms aimed at ensuring high-quality and efficient product operation. Amidst the myriad of testing types, two major methodologies emerge, Exploratory Testing and Test Automation. Choosing between these methods often presents a dilemma for product teams due to their differing strengths and weaknesses. Only in rare cases can these approaches be effectively combined. This article explores the advantages of exploratory testing versus automated testing, pinpointing scenarios where both methodologies can serve as advantageous assets for product teams across the software development cycle.

What is Exploratory Testing?

The exploratory testing process utilises the human touch to assess a software product’s performance against user requirements. It involves a dynamic and intuitive approach where testers deploy their creativity and understanding of the product’s user story to thoroughly examine each software feature under test. This method distinguishes itself from other testing approaches, it lacks predefined testing metrics in test cases or scripts. Consequently, testers have the flexibility to adapt to evolving quality and functionality requirements while uncovering potentially hidden issues. This traditional testing form harnesses the tester’s capacity to think critically, manually operate features, pose pivotal questions, and simulate real user scenarios.

What is Test Automation?

Test automation stands out for its speed, precision, and thorough application analysis. Unlike exploratory testing, Test automation doesn’t involve manual software evaluation. It relies on specialized tools and software to assess a product’s performance based on predefined scripts or test cases. This method doesn’t demand active tester involvement in exploring an application’s intricate features, especially when dealing with extensive components. It saves valuable time that would otherwise be spent on exploratory or other testing methods, making it highly efficient for large-scale assessments. Additionally, it offers a comprehensive overview of a product’s functionality and overall application stability.

Numerous test automation tools exist, but few match the efficiency of Scandium, a no-code test automation tool. One of its standout features is relieving developers from the testing burden. Members of the product team, such as QA and product managers without coding knowledge, can easily conduct tests on specific product features and provide actionable feedback for developers. These tests are repeatable, a critical advantage for product teams when updating software functionality. They facilitate essential regression tests to ensure that previously functional features remain robust and reliable.

Exploratory Testing versus Test Automation: Strengths and Weaknesses

Exploratory Testing Test Automation
Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses
Testers can respond to emerging issues without spending time creating elaborate test cases. It is difficult to track, resolve, and reproduce identified issues. The same predefined test cases can be executed continuously for consistent outcomes. It is script-based and may not capture unexpected bugs and issues. It does not simulate user experience.
Testers can replicate expected user behaviour and test the product’s responsiveness to improve the overall user experience. Relies heavily on manual effort and is inefficient for testing large applications. It runs faster than exploratory testing and provides swift feedback at different stages in the development cycle. The frequent creation of scripts can require specialized skills, time, and resources, especially in applications with evolving requirements.
It allows early bug detection that may not be captured in automated test scripts. It introduces variability in test outcomes based on the tester’s experience and skills. It is highly effective for regression testing, making sure that new changes don’t have negative effects on existing features. It cannot catch all types of defects, especially logic-related bugs.

Choosing the Best Method of Software Testing

Choosing the Best Method of Software Testing

When it comes to testing software for optimal functionality, the ideal testing strategy isn’t simply about selecting exploratory testing or test automation. Instead, it’s crucial to strike a balance between the two. Your choice will depend on three critical factors: the project’s nature, its product requirements, and the development lifecycle.

For instance, during the early stages of software development, product requirements often undergo constant evolution. This phase involves refining the UI, with elements shifting frequently. Exploratory testing proves most effective at this juncture. Testers can quickly spot issues and provide instant feedback. Employing automated tests here might overlook UI-related bugs that only human observation can detect.

As the project matures, automated tests become valuable for conducting regression tests, ensuring stability in existing product features. Integrating these tests into CI/CD pipelines offers swift feedback reflecting code changes.

Software products emphasizing user experience greatly benefit from exploratory testing. This method allows for easy identification of usability issues, application responsiveness, and an immersive user experience.

In contrast, larger applications with numerous features favour automated testing for time efficiency. Its comprehensive coverage yields results quickly, tackling scenarios that might prove too complex for manual exploratory testing.


It is advisable for product teams not to perceive the choice between exploratory testing and test automation as a binary decision. It’s not a matter of one over the other; instead, it’s about adopting a context-driven approach that leverages both exploratory and automated testing. This combined strategy yields synergy, allowing the utilization of human intuition, creativity, and the efficiency, repeatability, and precision offered by a robust test automation tool like Scandium. This approach ensures the development of high-end software that fulfils user requirements.